Pricing that Fits Every Business
Here's what you'll pay:
1 bookable calendar
What's Included?
Get 100+ features with Vagaro’s full business solution software
Free transfer of all your data from any software
Customisable calendar with waitlist & resource management
Free listing with unlimited daily deals and bookings on the Vagaro Marketplace
Automated notifications & appointment reminders
Online booking on Vagaro, Instagram, Facebook & Apple Maps
Business & employee booking widget
Advanced reporting to run your business
Create & manage customer loyalty programs
1,000 free email marketing messages to send each month
Create, send, & manage invoices
Sell memberships, packages, & gift certificates
24/7 Live phone, email & chat support with free training
Optimize with Add-on Features
From live streaming to automated email & text marketing, we have powerful add-ons to run and grow your business.
PaymentsStarting at 1.9%
- Accept payments safely & securely anytime, anywhere. Free credit card reader included.
Vagaro DriveStarting at $15/mo
- Securely store photos & files relating to your clients for future reference
Text MarketingStarting at $15/mo
- Set up text campaigns and strategically trigger automatically based on specific events.
Live Stream$15/mo
- Live stream classes & consultations from anywhere and store them to Vagaro Drive.
Email MarketingFree to Start
- Use an existing template or customize a campaign to fit your brand & aesthetic.
Check-In App$15/mo
- Allow clients to check themselves in for classes & events.
- Create custom forms, surveys & waivers that you can send to customer or require at time of booking.
Get Featured$15/mo
- Get noticed by new clients local to your area on the Vagaro Marketplace.
Online Store$15/mo
- Expand your sales with an online store where clients can purchase, 24/7.
Branded App$280/mo
- Amplify your brand with your own custom app that clients can book from.
Website Builder$15/mo
- Design a custom booking page for your business.
The Bottom Line on our Pricing
All profits are yours
- We take $0 from your online booking & all revenue you make from the Vagaro Marketplace is yours.
No long-term contracts
- No contract fees, cancellation fees, setup fees, signup fees, or PCI-compliance fees. We think they're a bad look.
Only pay for what you need
- Pick and choose the add ons that power your business, and don't pay for the features you don't need.
Vagaro Pricing FAQs
- Does Vagaro take a percentage for online bookings?
Nope! You keep all the money you make from any online booking and there are no fees for new customers acquired.
- How do I install Vagaro?
Vagaro is a web-based software that can be accessed anywhere in the world from The Vagaro Pro mobile app can be downloaded on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
- What is a bookable calendar?
A bookable calendar is a calendar for an individual who is performing services within the business who requires their own scheduling. This does not include admin staff, like the front desk.
- Can I cancel?
You can cancel your subscription at any time, for any reason—no questions asked, and no fee.
- How long does setup take?
The setup time can be as little as 15 minutes depending on number of staff, clients, services & inventory to be added.
- How does the free trial work?
The free trial lasts for 30 days, during which you have access to all the features, except for daily deals, email & text marketing, and credit card processing.