Website Builder
Create a beautiful, responsive page for your business that’s fully integrated with your Vagaro Fitness, Spa & Salon software.
Free Templates
Select a template from our library that fits your business aesthetic. Or create your own theme to match your branding, including a logo, background, photos, fonts & colors. Your Vagaro Daily Deals, business hours, service menu & employee bios are always in sync with your site. You will never need an overpriced web developer again.
Custom Logo
Starting a new business? We can create a logo & recognizable branding to help your business thrive!
Book Appointments Online
Clients will be able to book their appointments with you 24/7. They’ll be able to look at their profile to see all their past services & purchases, as well as upcoming appointments scheduled.
Online Shopping Cart
Sell your products online and give your clients access to see the status of their orders. Vagaro is integrated with UPS, FedEx & USPS to automatically calculate the shipping costs for you.
Profiles for Service Providers
Give your customers a personable experience by allowing your service providers to create profiles. Service profiles include a photo & bio for every service provider.
Shipping is Easy
Take the guesswork out of shipping your products. Vagaro automatically calculates shipping charges for everything in your inventory. We support shipping with UPS, FedEx & USPS.
Try Vagaro for Free
Create an account in minutes. No contract, cancellation, setup, or signup fees.